This simple Excel model represents a great way to visually demonstrate and analyse your SaaS revenue forecast.
This Excel tool uses formulas to create an automated waterfall chart based on the changes in your revenue forecast, giving you a quick and easy way to track your revenue.
The second tab uses two charts to allow you to easily visualise your Recurring Revenue Waterfall for two periods, giving a great visual representation of Revenue growth based on previous year churn, previous year new impact, previous year expansion, current year new business, current year expansion and current year churn, giving you a forecast of growth for the next year.
The third tab offers 3 charts giving you the chance to analyse MRR inflow aand outflow, the trends of new and lost customers as well as the services backlog in months.
This tool includes:
- Customer Waterfall
- Renewal Waterfall
- Churn Input
- ARR Inputs
- MRR Waterfall
- Recurring Revenue Waterfall charts
- MRR Inflow / Outflow chart
- Customer Trends chart
- Services Backlog chart
SaaS Revenue Waterfall Excel Chart Template