30 year annual anaerobic digestion plant investment appraisal model. The user does not have to use all 30 years. The model has the ability to enter opening Balance Sheet (optional) and forecast numbers. The user has the ability to enter a capital structure. This can be a mix of senior debt and equity used for purchasing/investing in the anaerobic digestion plant site.
The outputs include a simplified Profit and Loss statement, a simplified Balance Sheet, a statement of net cash flows and an IRR (valuation) output.
Prices are entered as "real" prices and the user can enter various "inflation" rates to apply to prices.
The user can enter up to two different production efficiencies which can be pulled into the annual timeline.
In addition to electricity sales the user has the ability to enter assumptions for subsidies per MWh.
Costs are entered for both fixed and variable costs.
Working capital assumptions are entered separately in days for electricity sales, subsidy sales, fixed costs and variable costs.
Tax assumptions are entered annually and paid in the year in which they accrue. The user has the option to enter an EBITDA restriction for interest deductibility.
Debt assumptions are entered including the term, the cost, the amount, the margin, the upfront fee, hedging portion of debt.
Finally the user can enter various acquisition assumptions including equity investment required and acquisition cost percentage.
Anaerobic Digestion Plant Excel Model