Email Campaign Management Excel Template
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Email Campaign Management Excel Template

Available: In Stock

The email campaign management template encompasses various activities to efficiently oversee your email campaigns, covering platforms, delivery rate, open rate, click rate, and revenue.

Validations: This sheet is designed to assist you in recording all email campaign database references, which will reflect in tables and dropdown lists.

Database: Use this sheet to periodically record all data related to your email campaigns, which will be reflected on the dashboard.

Dashboard: This sheet provides an overall summary of your email campaign management, visualized with dynamic charts.

Begin with the Validations sheet to add references, details, and standards, which will be reflected in your raw data and dropdown lists for email campaigns.

Record and list your campaign details, including the campaign name, subject line, and email content.

Register your List and Platform lists.

Set limits for open rate % and click rate % for data limitations, visualizing your data with indication colors (Good, Normal, and Low).

Your database is now ready to reflect email campaign data processing.

Go to the Database sheet.

Record your campaign data according to each column header mentioned title.

Some fields will be automatically calculated (fields in gray cells include functions; please avoid manually inserting values in these gray cells).

Some data is input manually, while other data uses dropdown lists.

Your email campaign data is now updatable and will reflect automatically in your data analysis dashboard.

Visit the dashboard sheet to see your data represented in smart charts and trends, translating your data into visual management with dynamic slicers to manipulate between categories and timelines.

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