Financial valuation ratios help to identify the value component of securities investment instruments in the company's structure. These ratios are essential for companies in the securities markets. Valuation is an important concept. It is a foundational component for determining the actual cost or price of an investment and helps to measure the relative value of an investment against alternative options. Financial valuation ratios include: - Price/book value ratio - Earnings per share (EPS) - Price to Earnings per Share or P/E ratio - Price/earnings to growth ratio (PEG) - Price to sales ratio (P/S) - Dividend yield ratio - Dividend payout ratio, and others.
Valuation Ratios Excel Template
Perform the financial valuation of your company with minimum efforts
Determine the actual cost of an investments
Use investment valuation ratios for the assessment of company's performance
Evaluate the component of securities investment instruments in the company's structure