Arts, Crafts & Gifts Marketplace Financial Model Excel Template
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Arts, Crafts & Gifts Marketplace Financial Model Excel Template

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Model Highlight

With Arts, Crafts & Gifts Marketplace Excel Financial Model, it's a breeze to generate a solid and well-structured financial plan, including all the required forecasting elements, such as integrated financial statements with full Projected P&L Statement (Income Statement), Statement Of Cash Flows, and Balance Sheet reports as well as key operational and financial metrics. Arts, Crafts & Gifts Marketplace Pro Forma used to evaluate startup ideas, plan startup pre-launch expenses, and get funded by banks, angels, grants, and VC funds. Unlocked - edit all - last updated in Sep 2020.

Model Overview

Simple-to-use yet sophisticated arts, crafts & gifts marketplace financial model excel tool. Whatever size and business development stage are, with minimal planning experience and very basic knowledge of Excel you can get complete and reliable results.




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  • Spot Problems With Customer Payments
  • Start A New Business With Arts, Crafts & Gifts Marketplace Financial Projection Model Template
  • Determine If You Need To Make Adjustments Like Cutting Expenses
  • Grow Your Business With Arts, Crafts & Gifts Marketplace Excel Financial Model
  • Arts, Crafts & Gifts Marketplace Financial Model In Excel Template For Tax Planning
  • Optimize The Timing Of Accounts Payable And Receivable



Easy to follow 

Clear and transparent Arts, Crafts & Gifts Marketplace Excel Pro Forma structure (15+ separate tabs, each focusing on a specific planning category, colour coded => input, calculation and report sheets).

Convenient, All-In-One Dashboard 

Includes all required forecasting reports, including assumptions, profit and loss pro forma, cash flow statement forecast, balance sheets, performance reviews and summaries for months and years (incl. numerous graphs and KPIs).

Avoid cash flow problems. 

Cash flow, and especially cash flow from operations, is the lifeblood of your business - do not ignore it! The level of cash flow in your company dictates the decisions you can make and how quickly you can grow your business. So you should monitor and manage cash flow regularly. Monthly cash flow forecasting will give you a current view of the cash inflows and outflows within your business and also what the next period looks like. Regular cash flow forecasting can highlight where cash gaps will be in the future and where there could be improvements made. Most importantly, a Cash Flow Projection will give you a good idea of the health of your business cash flow at a glance. Finding potential cash flow gaps ahead of time can save you and your business both time and money. You can make decisions and take actions before things get too bad, ensuring your cash flow is maintained, based on your forecasts.

Run different scenarios 

A Cash Flow Statement Projection shows you what your cash balance will look like taking into account the numbers you put into the template. It means you can play with the various variables that impact your cash flow forecast, i.e., wages, sales inflow, supplier payments, taxes, and so on. By adjusting the input amounts, you will be able to see what impact they will have on your businesses' cash flow and when this impact is likely to occur. A well-known example of this is the ability to forecast the effect a new member of staff might have on your cash flow over different periods. Increase the wage costs and see what happens to your cash flow. Running different scenarios in your Startup Cash Flow Projection can have several benefits.

Saves you time 

Allows you to spend less time on cash flow forecasting and more time on your products, customers and business development

Build your plan and pitch for funding 

Impress bankers and investors with a proven, solid arts, crafts & gifts marketplace financial model that impresses every time.





Detailed capital expenditure (i.e., CAPEX ) planning and automatic calculation of depreciation is an essential part of any Financial Projection Model Template. Our CAPEX calculation template allows users to apply straight-line or double-declining balance depreciation for financial planning purposes.

Financial KPIs 

Here you can visually track key financial indicators over the five years period as well as 24 months period. - EBITDA/EBIT shows your company's operational performance - CASH FLOWS shows your company's inflows and outflows - CASH BALANCE this is the forecast of cash in hand you will have.

Profitability KPIs 

Gross profit margin. A gross profit margin is a measure of a company's profitability, which is calculated by dividing gross profit by net sales.

Cash Flow KPIs  

Cash conversion cycle (CCC). The cash conversion cycle (CCC) is a financial metric that expresses the time it takes for a company to convert its resources in the form of inventory and other resources into cash flows. The cash conversion cycle is also called the Net Operating Cycle. CCC measures how long each dollar that the company inputted is tied up in the production and sales process before it gets converted into cash. The cash conversion cycl metric accounts for various factors, such as how much time it takes to sell inventory, how much time it takes to collect accounts receivable, and how much time it takes to pay obligations.

Performance KPIs 

Payback period. The cost of acquiring new customers should be compared to the profits that these customers generate. When these two numbers are divided, the result is called a payback period.

Break Even 

Break-even analysis in economics, business, and cost accounting helps calculate the point of time in which the company's total cost and total revenue are expected to become equal. Companies use a break-even point analysis to determine the number of product units they need to sell or revenue needed to cover total (fixed and variable) costs. This Arts, Crafts & Gifts Marketplace Financial Model Excel will also help determine the sales prices for the company's products. Sales cost per unit less variable cost per unit shows the contribution margin and the contribution margin impacts company's profitability.

Loan opt-in 

Our Arts, Crafts & Gifts Marketplace P&L Projection has a pre-built feature for automatic loan calculation. This Financial Model Excel Spreadsheet includes the fees, interest, and principal payments.

Customer Reviews

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Steven Farah

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