Value Chain Analysis Advanced
Value Chain Analysis
Porter's value chain model is very popular in the business and academic world. The value chain analysis is used to describe the typical activities in a company and relates them to an analysis of the competitive strength of the business.
Use our unique tool to rate your value chain and internal capabilities. Gain insights on your strengths and weaknesses to optimize your firm infrastructure and processes. The value chain analysis advanced compromises all main activities of a typical company - grouped into primary activities and support activities.
This tool has been used in several consulting projects and received positive feedback by clients and users. It is a good starting point into a deeper strategic analysis.
The slide is typical used in
- business plans
- strategy assessments
- M&A investor decks
- Due Diligence analysis
- corporate presentations
- workshops
All powerpoint slides by StrategyPunk are...
- easy to understand and can be put directly into action
- 100% editable with no restrictions
If you find the tools useful, I would appreciate a positive review and rating. Please feel free to drop us a message if you have a question or need support and follow us on our channel for more professional tools on monthly basis.
Porter's value chain model is very popular in the business and academic world. The value chain analysis is used to describe the typical activities in a company and relates them to an analysis of the competitive strength of the business.
Use our unique tool to rate your value chain and internal capabilities. Gain insights on your strengths and weaknesses to optimize your firm infrastructure and processes. The value chain analysis advanced compromises all main activities of a typical company - grouped into primary activities and support activities.
This tool has been used in several consulting projects and received positive feedback by clients and users. It is a good starting point into a deeper strategic analysis.
The slide is typical used in
- business plans
- strategy assessments
- M&A investor decks
- Due Diligence analysis
- corporate presentations
- workshops
All powerpoint slides by StrategyPunk are...
- easy to understand and can be put directly into action
- 100% editable with no restrictions
If you find the tools useful, I would appreciate a positive review and rating. Please feel free to drop us a message if you have a question or need support and follow us on our channel for more professional tools on monthly basis.