Financial debt ratios calculator helps to measure a company's debt or business from different points of view. Debt ratio calculators include debt ratio, debt-to-equity ratio, and times interest earned ratio. Users can input data from the Profit and Loss Statement and calculate any of these financial debt ratios, or all of them. The debt ratio calculator divides the company's total liabilities by its total assets. The debt ratio is a financial leverage ratio, and the companies use this metric together with other leverage ratios to assess the company's ability to handle its liabilities. If a company has too much debt, it is considered to be overleveraged. In other words, it may be difficult to maintain its solvency and/or acquire new debt. A debt-to-equity ratio measures the amount of debt the company is carrying compared to the amount invested by its owners. This metric shows the amount of liabilities the business has for every dollar of shareholders' equity. Bankers watch a company's debt-to-equity ratio closely because it measures its capacity to repay your debts. The higher the debt-to-equity ratio, the higher the risk has the company. At the same time, a company's debt-to-equity ratio should be benchmarked to a specific industry standard.
Debt Ratios Excel Template
Easily calculate your company's debt ratios
Assess the company's liabilities and their impact on day-to-day business activities
Assess the leverage of your business or a start-up
Compare your company's financial performance with other companies in the industry